





Saturday, April 30, 2011

The People's Victory! NBUF Building Paid Off!

On Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 5:00pm at 2428 Southmore Blvd. Houston , Texas the National Black United Front – Houston Chapter (NBUF) will host a Community Asante Sana (Thank You) celebrating PAYING OFF THE ORGANIZATION'S building. Join us for food, speakers, edutainment and more. This event will coincide with NBUF's 11th Annual Self-Determination/Malcolm X Birthday Weekend activities.

From 1995-1997 NBUF members under the leadership of Ishman (Imhotep) Hunter and Akua Fayette renovated the abandoned former drug den inside and out. 20,000 volunteer hours were invested by members to change the face of the community.

The facility has been the site of organizing for many causes including: social justice, humanitarian aid, African-Centered education, and many other community needs.

Let us be crystal clear this accomplishment is the result of NBUF MEMBERS' 17 YEARS OF VISION, DEDICATION AND HARD WORK. NBUF RECEIVED IMMEASURABLE SUPPORT FROM community members, community organizations, businesses, artists, poets, rappers, drummers, dancers, organizers, activists, revolutionaries, scholars, spiritualists, media outlets, tradesmen, and local and national security formations.

Everyone who placed time, resources, talent and funds in the NBUF-Houston pot has made this possible. NBUF has been an excellent steward of the people's resources. Chairman Kofi Taharka will announce NBUF's vision and needs. The organization has been committed to serving the community's needs for over 30 years.

For more information including vending call 713-402-8052

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